18 research outputs found

    Development supporting employee behaviours

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    The article presents the results of the research conducted on Positive Organizational Potential and its role as a key factor of companies’ development. The data analyzed in this article come from two stages of the research. In the first part an experts session was conducted to determine the force of the impact of each of 35 selected Development Supporting Employee Behaviours on companies’ development. In the second stage of the research (done by postal survey) 104 leading Polish companies were examined. Respondents in this stage were top-managers, who have rated the intensity of particular employee behaviours identified in their companies and described their company’s performance. This methodology allowed us to compare the identified behaviours with the indicators of development. This research was the first of this type that was carried out in the world, where the specific behaviour influencing development was identified. It is only a starting point for further research, which is to be conducted in the area of management of described relations in business practice

    Diversity Management and Trust: Systematic Literature Review

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    Purpose: The main aim of the paper is to identify and evaluate the state of the art in research on relationship between the concepts of diversity management and trust. The overarching question is what are the key contributions of the literature to deliver support to linkage between these two concepts. The literature analysis is also aimed at organising existing knowledge and identifying the key problems, trends and gaps in research output. Design/methodology/approach: Based on a systematic review of the literature, a content analysis on 18 peer-reviewed journal articles has been carried out. The Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection databases are used as a source for the sampling process. Findings: First of all, the results of the study allow to conclude that very few publications ranked as business and social scienc-es comprise together diversity management and trust. Thus, the analysed area seems to be an attractive field for further research. Among existing literature seven key research areas were identi-fied, representing different approaches to the relationship between trust and diversity management. Research and practical limitations/implications: The Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection databases, which were used to identify the publications analysed, do not contain all publications in the field of the study. Different languages of full text constituted an additional obstacle. Originality/value: The paper contributes to the diversity manage-ment and trust literature in three ways. First, it discovers a research gap in the field of linkage between trust and diversity management. Secondly, it organises existing body of knowledge and finally it identifies the key problems and trends in research output. Paper type: theoretical, literature review

    Forming intraorganizational trust by managers and the impact on company's development

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    We współczesnym przedsiębiorstwie zaufanie odgrywa szczególną rolę a jego kształtowanie leży w gestii zarządzających, którzy mogą i powinni świadomie wykorzystywać ten stymulator rozwoju przedsiębiorstw. Artykuł prezentuje najnowsze wyniki badań związane z kluczowymi obszarami Pozytywnego Potencjału Organizacji jakimi są zaufanie, przywództwo oraz postawy i kompetencje społeczne menedżerów średniego szczebla. Autor wykazuje wagę zależności pomiędzy zaufaniem oraz kadrą menedżerską a rozwojem przedsiębiorstw. Badania nie potwierdzają natomiast silnego wpływu otwartości i szczerości wraz z brakiem obaw w przyznawaniu się do popełnionych błędów na innowacyjność organizacji.In contemporary enterprise trust plays a special role. Managers should intentionally build trust in organization as a effective company’s development activator. The paper presents the latest research results related to the key Positive Organizational Potential areas such as trust, leadership, attitudes and social skills on middle management level. Author shows the importance of the relationship between trust, managers and the business development. However the study does not confirm the strong association between behaviors described as ‘employee’s openness and honesty with the admitting to making mistakes without apprehensions” and business innovation

    Intra-organisational antecedens of trust in companyin the light of research on positive organisational potential

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    The desired state of trust in company is a strong and common belief of the credibility and mutual benevolence among employees and management. In effect, attitudes, decisions and behaviors are accepted. The aim of the paper is to identify antecedents of trust in company and assess how strong each of 89 identified antecedents influences on trust us the key areas of Positive Organizational Potential. The comparative analyses is based on the empirical research findings of two methods: questionnaire survey conducted in companies operating in Poland and a Delphi panel. Analyses shows slight discrepancies between the experts opinions and the companies survey results. Generally, groups of intra-organizational antecedents related to leadership and communication are the strongest impact on trust. However, in each category managers can find important particular determinants which indicate the ways to building trust in company.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Contact With Beneficiaries as a Success Factor of Corporate Volunteering

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    Celem artykułu jest określenie, w jaki sposób intensywność kontaktu wolontariuszy z beneficjentami realizowanych projektów wpływa na efekty, jakie wolontariat pracowniczy przynosi organizacji. Podstawą rozważań jest badanie jakościowe przeprowadzone w 11 przedsiębiorstwach realizujących programy wolontariatu pracowniczego. Wyniki badania sugerują, że im intensywniejszy jest kontakt nawiązywany przez pracowników-wolontariuszy z beneficjentami wolontariatu, tym szerszy wachlarz kompetencji jest przez nich rozwijany. Z kolei projekty wolontariackie, w których kontakt z beneficjentem jest niewielki, sprzyjają wzmacnianiu integracji pracowników oraz ich identyfikacji z organizacją.The aim of the article is to identify how the intensity of a volunteer contact with beneficiaries of implemented volunteer projects influences the effects that corporate volunteering brings to the organization. The analyses are based on the qualitative research conducted in 11 companies implementing corporate volunteer programs. The results of the study suggest that the more intense the contact between the volunteer-employees and the beneficiaries of volunteering is, the wider the range of competences they develop. On the other hand, volunteer projects in which contact with the beneficiary is weak contribute to strengthening the integration of employees and their identification with the organization

    Wybory strategiczne kadry menedżerskiej przedsiębiorstw z branży meblarskiej na rynku polskim

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    The article presents the results of research on strategic choices made by manages of furniture companies on the Polish market. Three strategic dilemmas resolved at the level of company development strategy are taken into account: the dilemma regarding the level of sectoral diversification, the dilemma regarding the geographic coverage of operations, and the dilemma regarding the scope of vertical integration. The basis for conclusions was provided by a survey conducted under a broader project funded by the National Science Centre on team strategic decision-making in companies. The survey was carried out in 2018 in a group of 200 medium-sized and large furniture companies operating in Poland. The dominant strategic choices of managerial staff were identified on the basis of the so-called “strategic option cube” at the development strategy level. The survey found that that managers of furniture companies on the Polish market more often choose a development strategy based on geographical expansion rather than on sectoral diversification and a development strategy focused on selective or full vertical integration rather than on virtualisation of operations. At the companies surveyed, so-called international or nationwide specialists with selective or full vertical integration were dominant. JEL: L210, L25, M1 null The creation of the English-language version of these publications is fi nanced in the framework of contract No. 607/P-DUN/2018 by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education committed to activities aimed at the promotion of education.W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań dotyczących wyborów strategicznych kadry menedżerskiej przedsiębiorstw z branży meblarskiej na rynku polskim. Pod uwagę wzięto trzy dylematy strategiczne rozstrzygane na poziomie strategii rozwoju przedsiębiorstwa: dylemat dotyczący poziomu dywersyfikacji branżowej, dylemat dotyczący zasięgu geograficznego działania oraz dylemat dotyczący zakresu integracji pionowej. Podstawę do wnioskowania stanowiło badanie prowadzone w ramach szerszego projektu finansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki na temat zespołowego podejmowania decyzji strategicznych w przedsiębiorstwach. Badanie przeprowadzono w 2018 roku na grupie 200 średnich i dużych przedsiębiorstw z branży meblarskiej działających na terenie Polski. Identyfikacji dominujących wyborów strategicznych kadry menedżerskiej dokonano w oparciu o tzw. kostkę opcji strategicznych na poziomie strategii rozwoju. W efekcie badania stwierdzono, że kadra menedżerska przedsiębiorstw z branży meblarskiej na rynku polskim częściej decyduje się na wybór strategii rozwoju opartej na ekspansji geograficznej niż na dywersyfikacji branżowej oraz na wybór strategii rozwoju nastawionej na selektywną bądź pełną integrację pionową, a nie na wirtualizację działania. Wśród badanych przedsiębiorstw dominowali tzw. międzynarodowi lub ogólnokrajowi specjaliści selektywnie lub w pełni zintegrowani pionowo. JEL: L210, L25, M1 null The creation of the English-language version of these publications is fi nanced in the framework of contract No. 607/P-DUN/2018 by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education committed to activities aimed at the promotion of education

    MOTION HANDBOOK From Overtourism to Innovating Sustainable Solutions in the EU

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    Tourism is one of the main sources of income for countries around the world and has some positive effects in tourist destinations: creation of job opportunities, increase in Gross Domestic Product, accelerated growth in supply and demand, export of tourism services, inbound tourism revenues per visitor, the use of the natural assets of the tourist destinations, cultural and creative resources, etc. (Dupeyras and MacCallum, 2013). However, due to the lack of awareness and the relentless and unconcerned increase of touristic activities a few decades ago, tourism has had also negative consequences not only for the environment, but also for society with the appearance of overtourism. The project MOTION: froM OverTourIsm to innOvating sustainable solutions in the EU (MOTION hereafter) is an initiative co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union to cope with the overtourism problems

    Positive Management. Managing the Key Areas of Positive Organisational Potential for Company Success, 366 s.

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    The book presents the outcomes of the empirical research on strategic management of the key areas of Positive Organisational Potential. The following key areas are studied: corporate governance, leadership, middle managers, trust, interpersonal relationships, talent management, the language of internal communication, organisational citizenship behaviours and corporate social responsibility. The book is focused on four research objectives. First of all, it verifies the assumption that the aforementioned key areas are the constituent components of Positive Organisational Potential. Secondly, it explores antecedents and approaches to develop the key areas of Positive Organisational Potential. Thirdly, it identifies the mechanisms explaining how the key areas of Positive Organisational Potential influence the development of an organisation. Finally, the authors develop a reference model for managing the key areas of Positive Organisational Potential. The concept of Positive Organisational Potential combines the ideas of Positive Organisational Scholarship and Resource Based View. Positive Organisational Potential is a configuration of tangible and intangible resources which determine the emergence of the positive culture and the positive climate, consequently stimulating positive emotions crucial for the pro-developmental employee behaviours. The pro-developmental behaviours are considered to be an undisputed source of organisational development. The development of companies is manifested by the increase in productivity, innovativeness, competitiveness, the quality of business processes and products, the satisfaction of stakeholders, the reputation of a company, its profitability and the growth of value. In order to generate Positive Organisational Potential the configuration of organisational resources should be shaped in a conscious, consistent and organised way within the strategic management process. Organisational resources are a very complex construct. Numerous interactions between their components are observed. They include cause-effect relations where some resources are recognised as the determinants and stimuli of the others. Therefore managers should focus their attention on developing constituent resources which determine the state, level and configuration of other resources. Such resources can be recognised as the key areas of Positive Organisational Potential. The effective development of these key areas is a prerequisite for the development of the whole system of Positive Organisational Potential